Get Asset Example

"""Get an asset from a instance of Archivist

Main parses in a a url, which is an instance of Archivist and credentials, which
is a user authorization.

The main function would then call arch.assets.read_by_signature() to get one asset from
the instance.

from os import getenv
from warnings import filterwarnings

from archivist.archivist import Archivist
from archivist.errors import ArchivistDuplicateError, ArchivistNotFoundError

filterwarnings("ignore", message="Unverified HTTPS request")

def main():
    """Main function of get_asset.

    Parse in user input of url and credentials and use them to
    create an example archivist connection and fetch all assets.
    # client id and client secret is obtained from the appidp endpoint - see the
    # application registrations example code in examples/
    # client id is an environment variable. client_secret is stored in a file in a
    # directory that has 0700 permissions. The location of this file is set in
    # the client_secret_file environment variable.
    client_id = getenv("DATATRAILS_APPREG_CLIENT")
    client_secret_file = getenv("DATATRAILS_APPREG_SECRET_FILENAME")
    with open(client_secret_file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as tokenfile:
        client_secret =

    # Initialize connection to Archivist
    with Archivist(
        (client_id, client_secret),
    ) as arch:
            asset = arch.assets.read_by_signature(
                props={"tracked": "TRACKED"},
                attrs={"arc_display_type": "door"},
        except (ArchivistNotFoundError, ArchivistDuplicateError) as ex:
            print("Unable to get asset", ex)

            print("Asset", asset["identity"])

        # alternatively get by identity
        asset =["identity"])
        print("Asset", asset["identity"])

if __name__ == "__main__":